Thursday, July 14, 2005

Epilogue to the need for bricks and free speech

It is finished.

Not being blasphemous. Fact is, it really IS finished.

The uproar was flamed, and then the growling lions tamed. Everyone got together for a moot over the issue of the article in the Oregonian: professors, students, scholarship people, other students at Lewis & Clark.

Points of view heard, the reporter and I had a talk-down over the phone- I accepted she had the right to frame an article any way she wanted to, and she accepted that generalizations will most often get a bunch of antsy international students on her case.

As a class project-- For after all, such things are to be learnt from-- We are all writing op-ed pieces to the Oregonian.

500 words.

And as for those of ye who don't think this goblin can keep to the word count- HA! All I can say to you is...

dear god, you're probably right. Sigh.

This is going to take work.

Promise to post it when Im done. Here's to a declaration of rights, including the freedom to be safe from stereotypes and all print media.

An economically worded declaration at that.



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